Washington Lawmakers consider allowing Medical Marijuana at Schools

Posted by Sagar Satapathy on January 18, 2017.

In a major development of the medical marijuana system in Washington, the state lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow parents to administer medical marijuana to their children on school grounds.

The House Committee on Health Care & Wellness considered the bill “HB 1060” on Tuesday during a public hearing. The bill has bi-partisan support and would ensure medical marijuana qualified children could stay in their respective school.

If the bill passes, a school district must permit a student who meets the 9 requirements of RCW 69.51A.220 to consume marijuana for medical purposes on school grounds, aboard a school bus, or while attending a school-sponsored event in accordance with the school district's policy adopted pursuant to this section.

However, the medical marijuana use must be in accordance with school policy relating to medication use on school grounds.

The new law would also prohibit the medical marijuana administration to a student in the form of smoking or other methods involving inhalation. It would establish protocols for verifying the inclusion of the student in the medical marijuana authorization database.

The board of directors of each school district would adopt a policy by September 1, if the bill passed.

Meanwhile, John Barclay currently has to pull his daughter, River, out of school to administer CBD oil to control her severe epilepsy. He says the bill would help keep his daughter in class. About a year and a half ago, River was put on an FDA trial for medical marijuana.

Notably, the legislature amended the law in 2015 to create the Cannabis Patient Protection Act, which states that marijuana remains a Schedule I illegal substance under federal law which could jeopardize federal funding for agencies or schools that accommodate this law.

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